Collaborative Note Taking– During Each class meeting, a group of students will be taking notes on the class discussions. This task promotes participation, collaboration, and encourages engagement with other colleagues, along with building professional skills, such as: teamwork, synthesizing material, active participation/active listening, among others. We will have a shared Google Doc link available for all the students in class.
Sign up here in this link for a date in which you would like to participate as note-takers.
Midterm Essay
Midterm Essay ANTH 3520 - Fall 2022 - Brooklyn College
Final Assignment
Final Reflection Instructions ANTH 3520The deadline for the final assignment is Wednesday, December 14, 2022 before 11:59PM.
Documentary Analysis – Bonus Assignment/Optional (10 points)
After watching in class the documentary “‘The Mountain eats men’ in Bolivia – BBC” (2014), respond to the following questions in a one-page response paper:
- What conversations are you seeing/hearing in the documentary around beauty?
- From what point of view is the documentary speaking? What perspective is it offering on events and arguments?
- Can you relate to this viewpoint or at least understand where it’s coming from?
The deadline for bonus optional assignment is November 17, 2022. You will upload your response in a PDF document in the following Link
Weekly Forum Questions
You can find the instructions for the weekly forums in our Syllabus on Page #3 and in the following link under Section A- “Course Requirements and Assignments”
Week 1- Introduction
1- What is the banking concept of education? What is Freire’s proposal for challenging this pedagogical approach? (Select a few excerpts that you liked from the reading that can help you respond to these question).
The deadline for this forum is September 8, 2022 before class time.
Week 2 Anthropology of South America – Delimiting Geographies
1- Why study Latin America and the Caribbean? What are some of the aspects that Sanabria points out in his chapter?
2- What does Chasteen mean when he states that this is not “your father’s version” and “old thinking” regarding how historians have studied the Latin American region?
3- In your own words, how does Said define “Orientalism”? How can this concept help us understand how Latin America has been studied by the West?
The deadline for this forum is September 8, 2022 before class time.
Week 3 Traditions of Latin American Thought: ECLAC/CEPAL UN
1- What are “cepalinos”? What is “center” and “periphery”?
2- What role did “CEPAL” play after World War II in Latin America? What is Dependency Theory?
The deadline for this forum is September 8, 2022 before class time.
Week 4 Before the European Conquest: Anthropology in South America & Human Rights (I)
1- Why does Sanabria (2019) mention that “Latin America and the Caribbean are concepts (cultural constructs)”? How does Sanabria further describe them as “ideas” (borrowing the perspective from Walter Mignolo)?
The deadline for this forum is September 22, 2022 before class time.
Week 5 Before the European Conquest: Anthropology in South America & Human Rights (II)
*Read only Introduction/Chapter 1 (Borosky, 2005) – Pp. 3-21*
1- Explain and summarize in your own words what was the “Yanomami Controversy”? How did Chagnon represent the Yanomami in harmful ways?
2-What are the ethical implications of this situation (the Yanomami controversy) in the field of Anthropology? How can present and future anthropologists learn from this controversy, and conduct research in an ethical and culturally sensible manners?
The deadline for this forum is September 22, 2022 before class time.
Week 6 – Race in South America
1- What are the main differences between race and ethnicity? (Mention at least three)
2- How has mestizaje shaped the ideas about race in Latin America?
3- How is “The Dirty Body that Cleans” (Pinho, 2015) an example of gender and racial inequality in South America? What is the role of architecture, labor, and power, as described by the author in her article?
4- How does language, such as in the case highlighted in the documentary in Peru, racialize people?
The deadline for this forum is October 6, 2022 before class time.
Week 7 – Gender, Sexuality, and Beauty in South America
1- What is the relationship between the body, masculinity, consumption and beauty as exemplified in the case of Cali, Colombia? (Arango-Londoño, 2019)
2- What are the differences between mujer and señorita, as described by Rahier (2014)? How are the concepts connected to race and beauty, in the case described by Rahier in Ecuador?
3- What are the relationships you identify between beauty, race/ethnicity and the case of Venezuelan beauty pageants?
The deadline for this forum is October 20, 2022 before class time.
Week 8 – Medical Anthropology & Health
1- What is the “Biomedical approach” in Medicine? How is it different from “Ethno-etiology”?
2- What is the role of curanderos in Latin America? How are they different from the traditional “Western” doctor?
The deadline for this forum is October 20, 2022 before class time.
Week 9- Sports & Politics
1- How do sports, such as the case of soccer in Argentina, produce “national” identities? How are these related to masculinity? (Archetti, 1994)
The deadline for this forum is October 27, 2022 before class time.
Week 10- Language
1- What is “linguistic anthropology”?
2- How do people talk about money and economic crisis in Venezuela? (González, 2019) How is it related to language and politics?
The deadline for this forum is November 3, 2022 before class time.
Week 11- Capitalism & Labor in South America
1- June Nash (1978) presents an analysis of class consciousness among Bolivian Tin Mine workers. She presents an array of concepts that allow her to do such analysis, among them “class consciousness,” how does she define this concept? What does she mean when she states “Identity as a class”?
2- What is the “moral economy” according to William Roseberry (1989)? What are the “four symbolic sets of images” that allowed Roseberry (1989) to draw a cultural analysis of Venezuelan society? Describe them.
The deadline for this forum is November 17, 2022 before class time.
Week 12 – Food & Commodities in South America
1- What can we learn about the World economy (and South America) by looking at the history of soy? Why do the authors mention that by understanding the history of soy we can also address issues of world hunger? (DuBois, Tan & Mintz, 2008)
2- How does Christine Folch (2010) present an analysis of yerba mate’s relationship with the rest of the world? How can consumption provide us information on the “commodity chains” and their relationships with South America (in this case, Paraguay)?
The deadline for this forum is November 17, 2022 before class time.
Week 13- Political Violence in Latin America
1- How do Skurski & Coronil (2006) define State/Political Violence? What are some of the examples they provide in their introductory chapter “States of Violence and Violence of States”?
2- How does Forensic Anthropology serve as a tool to assisting communities, governments and international bodies in resolving cases of political violence in Latin America?
The deadline for this forum is December 8, 2022 before class time.
Week 14- Political Economy
1- What is Political Economy? Define Production, Exchange, and Consumption.
2- What are the relationships between social class and consumption as highlighted by William Roseberry in his article “The rise of the Yuppie Coffees”?
The deadline for this forum is December 8, 2022 before class time.